Tuesday 27 January 2015

Land of a Million Scams

Travels in Lao

Land of a Million Scams

Lao River Bridge

Vang Vieng


I am spending a Month in Lao formerly known as lane Xang " Land of a Million Elephants"  I regret to have to tell the reader that an update on the name would be "Land of a Million Scams"!! Let me get the negative stuff out of the way right now so that I can tell you the Good Stuff!!

You Will be ripped off in Lao no question about that!!! However with care and attention and remembering to ask the price first  this assault on your Cash can be kept to a minimum!! Far more Dangerous is the Banditry practised by the Police in Vang Vieng where I have just spent 10 Days!!These Upholders of the Law "Sic" ( Plain Clothes Police) frequent the Bars where Unwary Backpackers are proffered Menus offering a Heady Cocktail of Drugs!! As far as I know the Cops could even be working with the Drug Vendors!!

The Scenario is the Police catch you smoking Dope and demand anything up to $1,500!! you read that correctly!! These Agents of the Law Lao Style are Ripping many Backpackers off for Huge Amounts. They simply Nab the unfortunate Victims Passport and instruct them to bring the Daily Maximum that can be got from the ATM until they have bled the poor Schmucks dry.

For the Larcenous Lawman this must be one of the Sweetest Scams ever!! Non Compliance is NOT an Option, don't forget the Victims cannot escape Lao without their Passports and should you be foolish enough to Tough it out you are assured of  a trip to Jail in Vientien a Trial and deportation and the fine the Court imposes could be more than you were being held to ransomed for in the first Place!!

The Blatant Hypocrisy on Display here is Mind Boggling . The Lao Governments only concern about Drug use is how much money they can make out of it, most of the Avalanche of Drugs destined for a Voracious Thai Market comes through Lao. The Thai Town I live in is quite close to Lao and many Thais here have become stupendously rich due to participation in the Drugs Trade!!

I have talked to several people who have been caught in this sting. One Mexican Guy I met this Morning was talking with a Girl who was smoking a Joint when the cops arrived " He was not even Smoking" but the Local Constabulary took him for $500.00. The problem is of course that Lao is a Kleptocracy where the Government steals from it's own Citizens and anyone in Authority can do as they please!! The Agents of Law enforcement in Vang Vieng who are literally Millionaires by Lao Standards are obviously acting with the Knowledge of their Superiors and a large percentage of their Booty will inevitably be passed up the Chain to the Faceless People who run the Vast Mafia enterprise  otherwise known as Lao!!

Vang Vieng was getting a bad reputation i.e  Stoned Backpackers dying while imitating Tarzan and instead of landing in the River being Splattered on Rocks!! Someone decided Drugs were out and Vang Vieng would become Disneyland for Backpackers!! The above while possibly a Laudable idea was never going to work here, there is simply too much money to be made out of Drugs!! Whether by selling them, smuggling them or Blackmailing Stupid Foreigners caught using them!!

 On my first Morning an Old Man " My Age!!" who was squatting by the riverside, remarked on the Chilly weather when I agreed that it was indeed rather Cold  he opened his Palm to reveal a Large white Crystal and uttered the word Guaranteed to gladden the Heart of Dragon Chasers Everywhere OPIUM!!

OK enough about that "You have been Warned!!" The Beauty of Lao will take your breath away!! This Mountainous Country is Spectacularly Lovely, I have visited here 4 times now and never fail to be Awestruck by what I see around me.Vang Vieng is Spectacular, you can Kayak on its Pristine River, Swim in the Blue Lagoon, visit Lush Forest Waterfalls and Climb amazing Hills!! I tracked to a place where One can do proper Rock Climbing, I hasten to add with no intention of participating. A European Couple were Assaulting the Sheer Rock Face it was a lovely Spot and I considered having a Swim in the River. One of the Guys who worked there was quite Chatty and suggested that I might wish to Smoke some Dope declining his offer I could not help wondering if he encouraged his Customers to get High while they were getting High!!    

People come to Vang Vieng for the Beauty which Surrounds it, the Town itself is Dusty and particularly Ugly. Backpackers however can have amazing Adventures here and of course Party the Night away in its many Bars!! I hired a Mountain Bike for a few Days the only problem being that apart from the Main Road from Ventien to Luang Prabang non of the other Roads are Tarred the result being that one is attempting to navigate tracks made of dirt and LARGE AND COPIOUS STONES a Couple of Days doing this Plays Havoc with your Backside!!

Nowadays 80% of Visitors to Van Vieng come from Korea which means that Falang  (Westerners) are very much here under sufferance, the Koreans pay up without Quibble while numerous Westerners have the temerity to object to Blatant RIP OFFS!!! Please forgive my Negativity but I abhor being Scammed!! I am presently writing this drinking a Beer in my Guest House and have just been accused by the Daughter of the House of being KII NIOW (Stingy/Cheap) because I refused to buy Her a Beer!! If I want to buy someone a beer I DO NOT require to be asked!!!

Ok Sorry!! Rant over so to those who wish to come to Vang Vieng, and it is worth coming to let me share some of the PHOTOGRAPHS I took during the last 10 Days!!

The View from this Hill which Yours Tully Climbed Yesterday is worth a fairly Strenuous Ascent!! Looking out over the now Fallow Rice Paddy,s  Toward the Blue Lagoon.

I went for a walk and came upon this lovely Spot!!
          The Blue Lagoon is amazing but it is a little like Disneyland for Backpackers with Korean Tourists Hurtling out of the Jungle Canopy on Zip Lines a Refreshing alternative is this deserted river about 3 Kilometres up the Road!! The Rivers are Pristine with no Industry to Pollute their wonderful Teal Green Water!!

Lao Kids Spear Fishing In The River

Another View of my Secret Swimming Spot!!

Mountains Everywhere

I hope by now you are becoming aware of the Magical Beauty which Lao offers to Visitors. And I apologise for my earlier Negativity. Come to Lao by all means it is a truly unique Experience, just be aware that as far as Lao Policeman and every other Lao person believes all Westerners are (A) Rich and (B) Fair Game!!

1 comment:

  1. the fine is negotiable, police do not want to officially arrest you they are not interested in the law they are only interested in your money.. offer them half and plead poverty
